Meet Our Fabulous Coaches


Woman & Leadership

Isabelle Lefebvre

Your Leadership Coach to find your personal leadership style and embody your entrepreneurial project with authenticity.

Woman & Womanhood

Marie-Aimée Kiroffo

Your Wellness Coach. Beauty, Relaxation, Personal Development to help you blossom and improve your quality of life.

Woman & Motherhood

Catherine Barloy-Da Silva

Your dedicated career coach for mothers, providing personalized guidance in their professional development while harmoniously balancing their parenting role.

Woman & Money

Eléonore Balagne

Your money relations coach to open the doors to lasting financial freedom.

Woman & Career

Béatrice Roy

Your career coach for employment, advancement, and professional integration. “Reveal and make your professional queen shine!”

Woman & leadership

Rachel Castin

Your public speaking coach to take control of your speech and maximize your impact.

Woman & Self-Confidence

Laure de Rochemonteix

Your coach in self-awareness and deconditioning to dare to embrace yourself, love yourself and unleash your potential!

Woman & leadership

Valerie Angliviel de la Beaumelle

HEC Executive Coach, Hypnotherapist, and Ikigai Expert. Leadership and Self-empowerment Coach to fully unleash your potential.

Woman & entrepreneurship

Asna Kouva

Your motivational speaker to embark on your life like a queen and build your project.

Woman & Motherhood

Edwige Sossou-Gervais

Family and Professional Fulfillment: The Revealed Balance with Edwige Sossou-Gervais, Perinatal Coach.

Woman & Networking

Murielle Osias

Your networking expert to expand your kingdom and find new treasures.

Woman & Self-Marketing

Isaura Tsama

Your Professional Image Strategy Consultant for greater credibility, visibility, impact and professional success.

Want to Become a Coach?

Please contact to express your interest and find out more information. 

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